
3, 2, 1… Ready for takeoff!

And here we go! My first blogpost on my new website. It’s exciting to have this finally becoming real: I have been working so hard on Nerd With Yarn, to get everything started… but here we are!

The process of making this website came with a lot of ups and downs. Since I am a web developer, I can make my own website. But with my job, crochet and Netflix I barely got the time to work on it. So I decided to get started with a WordPress website — because this way I get the blogging going and I can still work on my own website.

Blogging is new to me, and it scares me a little. What do I write about? How do I make enough content in one blogpost? I have the tendency to be to-the-point, but that will leave me with very short, maybe even boring posts. So please, if you have any tips and feedback, be sure to let me know! I hope to grow as a blogger, so you can grow creatively.

I hope to share a lot of cool patterns and tips for crochet on this page, as well as sharing my love for books. I am a nerd, after all…

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  1. Meike says:

    You’ll do just fine! ♡

  2. Mom says:

    And I love this nerd very much!
    Go ahead, you have a great lot of talents. Believe in it, set your goals and make it happen step by step. Move forward the way you want, just like you do right now.

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