Most creative people know the feeling: wanting to create something, but your mind is blank. In my case, I wanted to make more time for creativity, but I kept hitting that blank space. What to make, what to make, what to make?
One day, I had enough. After spending a weekend with my very creative aunt and sisters, I asked them to write down words to put in a jar for me to pull one out whenever I am stuck. The next week, my sisters surprised me with a beautiful jar, filled to the brim with words! Some friends added a few words whenever they saw the jar, resulting in a stuffed jar and enough inspiration!
My journey with the jar has been short, for I have only pulled out four words in total until this day. ‘Amsterdam’, ‘Rome’, ‘Gold’ and ‘Donald Duck’ were pulled out and turned into a short story, a small amigurumi, a painting and a drawing. My plan of making more time for creativity missed it’s goal, because I spent so much time on thinking what to do with the word I pulled that I barely had the time to do something with it!
Right now, I am dealing with the word ‘Elves’. I had this idea, and then I changed it, and then I wanted it to be perfect so I changed it again, and now I am putting my foot down. I want to pull out one piece of paper each month, resulting in one piece of creative output each month. I have until the end of the month to use this word. Wish me luck!

Do you like to join me with the words? I will let you know the new word of the month in the blogs about my Jar of Ideas, so you can use it yourself. Share your art with #jarofideas on Instagram and I’ll take a look! Or ask your friends and family to write down random words to make your own jar.